Naomi Lank’s Will
Proved Dec. 8, 1789
In the name of God Amen. I Naomi Lank of the County of Sussex in the Delaware State being sick and weak in body, but of sound disposing mind, memory and judgment, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, in manner following.
I give to my Daughter Lydia Lank one Bed and furniture, one Dressing Table, Tea Table, half a dozen stone plates, one sett blue and white Cups and Saucers, six chairs.
I give to my Daughter Mary Lank one Bed and furniture, one Oval Table, one Looking Glass, six Chairs, one sett Cups and Saucers, half a dozen stone plates.
I give to my Son Mitchell Lank, the sum of three Shillings and nine Pence.
I give to my Son John Lank Lank [sic], the sum of three Shillings and nine Pence.
I give to my Son James Lank, the sum of three Shillings and nine Pence.
I give to my Son Thomas Lank, the sum of three Shillings and nine Pence.
I give to my Son Levin Lank, the sum of three Shillings and nine Pence.
I give and bequeath to my son James Lank the House and Plantation whereon I now live, together with all and singular the Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him his Heirs and Assigns forever.
All the residue my Estate of what kind or nature soever the same may be, whether Real or Personal, I give to my sons Cornelius, William, and David, and to my Daughter Mary, and Lydia, to be equally divided among said five Children last mentioned, share and share alike, to them my said five last mentioned Children and their Heirs and Assigns forever. And I do hereby make constitute and appoint my son James Lank, the sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking every other former Will by me heretofore made, ratifying allowing and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal affixed this Eighteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-nine 1789.
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Signed Sealed published Announced and declared by the within named Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who signed as Witnesses………
William Peery, Esq.
Mierabah X Barr
Elon X Fowler
Sussex County
Memorandum the 8th day of December 1789 before me Phillips Kollock Register appointed for the probate of Wills and granting Lettors of Administration for the County afs [aforesaid] appeared William Peery Esq. and Mierabah Barr, two of the Witnesses to the foregoing Will, who being duly Sworn did severally declare, that in their sight, presence and hearing the Testatrix Naomi Lank, did sign, Seal, publish Announce and declare the same to be her Last Will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof she was in her perfect Senses as these deponents believe; but these deponents could not be positive of her being of sound memory and Judgment; and these deponents further say that they and each of them together with Elon Fowler subscribed the same as Witnesses in presence of the Testatrix and at her request; And on the day and year aforesaid appeared the above named Elon Fowler and did on her solemn oath declare that she was present and saw the said Testratrix Sign Seal publish and declare the foregoing Instrument of Writing to be her Last Will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof she was, as this deponent believes, of a sound and perfect disposing Mind, Memory and Judgment, and that she together with William Peery Esq. and Mierabah Barr, Subscribed the same as Witnesses in presence of the Testatrix and in presence of each other ----------
Phillips Kollock Reg.