[Form, language, script and spelling are as they appeared in the original document … HLP]
Lovisa Lank
Proved 10th December 1844
In the name of God amen I Lovisa Lank (Widow) of the County of Sussex in the State of Delaware being in Health and of Sound and disposing mind and memory do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following viz.
First I give and bequeath unto my Two Sonz Nathaniel & John Lank Twenty five Dollarz in Cash – Each to be paid to Them or Their Heirs out of a Bond I hold against Richard Dutton for five hunderd Dollarz entered in the Proper office in George Town in 1840.
2nd I give and bequeath to my five childern Nathaniel Lank Sophia Lank the wife of Mitchell Lank Nancy Black the Wife of Robert Black John Lank and Arcadia Lank all the Balance and Residue of the said Bond on Richard Dutton to be Eaqualay Divided amongst them But If my Daughter Sophia and Arcadia shall have no children at my Decease then and in that case my will is that the other three childern or their Heirs shall Receive all the Balance of said Bond divided Equally amongst them by Paying to my Daughter Sophia and Arcadia Six Dollurz a year each as Long as they Live.
3rd All the Balance and Residue of my Estate after discharging my Just debts I give and Bequeath to all of my Six childern [illegible] Elizabeth Dutton the wife of Richard Dutton Nathaniel Lank Sophia Lank the wife of Mitchell Lank Nancy Black the wife of Robert Black John Lank and Arcadia Lank to be Eaqually divided amongst them Their Heirs and further If any of my children shall Present an account against me to my Executors It is to be deducted out of their Part of my Estate unless It be from a [illegible remainder].
Lastly I hereby make constitute and appoint my son Nathaniel Lank sole Executor of this my Last will and Testament hereby Revoking all former Wills by me made In Testimony whereoff I have hereunto set my hand and affixd as my seal this Twenty Seventh day of July AD Eighteen hundred and forty three
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Signed Sealed Published and Delivered by the said Lovisa Lank – Widow to be her Last Will and Testament in the Presence of Us who at her Request and in her Presence
have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto
Peter L. Parker
Hetty B. Parker
Sussex County
Personally appeared before me Peter Parker Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of administration in and for the County of Sussex. Peter L. Parker who being Sworn [illegible] the Holy Evangels of almighty God, deposeth and Saith that he Wrote to Nathaniel Lank, the Executor named and appointed in and by the last will and testament of the within named Lovisa Lank, and [illegible] in Writing was that he would have nothing to do with the [e]state. Sworn and Subscribed this tenths day of December AD 1844.
Before me,
Peter Parker Reg.s
Peter L. Parker