1. Levin Lank 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 was born in 1735 east of Mill Creek, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE, died before Nov 17, 1784, and was buried in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE.
General Notes: The exact date of decease is unknown, although most probable in 1784. Naomi and lawyer Robt. Jones signed the 1000-pound Administrative Bond on the Estate of Levin Lank on 11-24-1784. The estate audit was completed a year later on 12-7-1785. There may or may not have been a will. No record of a will in Dover.
The direct Lank line (Levin-Thomas-Levin-Robert) of this report is supported by this Lank line's family Bible. Additional genealogy reports have provided fuller details of members. It has been family hearsay that Levin was the son of one of three brothers who came to America from England. One report (www.esva.net/ghotes/lank/i0000027.htm#i27) reveals that Levin was one of 3 brothers (John, b. 1740 in VA, and James, b. 1745 in CT), although the other 2 had a different mother (unknown). It was Thomas who was the son of one of the 3 brothers (Levin). Other records indicate 1740 as Levin's birth, although this Lank Bible states 1735. Another report indicates original Lank was a sailor, b. around 1705 in Lincolnshire, England and died in Phila. His wife and Levin's mother was Miss Mitchell, b. 1722 in Milton. FamilySearch.org indicates George Lanke (b. 1705) and Mary (b. 1704) as parents of Levin, John and James.
Research Notes: There were other Lanks in the area, specifically in MD, at this time. The spelling is problematical: Lan[e]cake, Lan[e]quake, Lanke.
[Maryland State Archives]
SOMERSET COUNTY COURT -- (Tax List) -- 1729 -- MSA C 1812
Year: 1729; Hundred: WICOMICO; Household Number: 118
Name: Lank, Francis; Standardized Name: LANCAKE, FRANCIS; Status: HEAD - TAXED
MSA No: C1812-6-14991
MARYLAND INDEXES -- (Assessment of 1783, Index) -- 1783 -- Somerset County
MSA S 1437
Cannon Lank. Eversham, 150 acres. SO Rewastico p. 50. MSA S1161-9-11. 1/4/5/52
Francis Lank. Batchelors Folly, 106 1/4 acres. SO Wicomico p. 72
Thomas Lank. Addition to Collins Lott, 100 acres. SO Rewastico p. 50. MSA S1161-9-11. 1/4/5/52
MARYLAND STATE PAPERS -- Confiscated British Property Papers -- 1775-1897
Dates: 1782, Nov. 26.
Statement of a deed execution from Clement Holliday and Nathaniel Ramsey to Francis Lank for "Bachelor's Folly" in Wicomico Manor.
MSA S999-17-840 MdHR 19990-16-01/06 Location: 1/7/3/21
Dates: 1782, Nov. 27.
Receipt for land conveyance expenses.
MSA S999-17-841 MdHR 19990-16-01/07 Location: 1/7/3/21
1790 Census for Worcester County, MD: Cannon/Cawmon Lank household included 2 boys and Mrs. Lank. On the same census page were listed several Hayman families.
1800 Census for Lanks in the U.S. included:
Canan Lank in Bockatonorton, Worcester County, MD
George Lank in Ann Arundel County, MD
George Lank in Somerset County, MD
Levin, Thomas and Mitchell Lank households in Broadkiln Hundred, Sussex County, DE
William Lank in Claverack, Columbia County, NY
Mary Lank in Gates County, NC
Information captured by Wallace K. Penrose on his website(www.penrose.org/index.php) provides speculation on the Lank origins: "A Family story passed down is: Levin Sailed to America from England on the ship 'Lydia A. Lank'. There are several other stories about the origins of the Lank Family in America and much speculation as to parentage. Levin is believed to have been born Abt 1735 to 1738. A family story about Levin says he was a foundling, the close proximity to his father's [George Lanequake] death seems to fit this theory. Other family stories make the early Lanks out to be Pirates and Seafaring men etc. The facts behind the stories are lacking as with most fanciful tales. The family stories are divided between they being of French or of English origins. Perhaps they are of both, depending on which side the line is traced (Mother [Miss Mary Mitchell] or Father). Mrs. Mary T. Layton, researcher, links Levin to George and Mary's family 'by default' and does not explain further. I assume it was because of some inheritance or acquisition rights to estate property; she also estimates the sequence of placement in the family from Levin's firstborn child [Mitchell]. Thomas was handled the same way. I have changed the placement of Levin closer to his father's decease and his birth estimate of 1735." This source builds out the ancestors of George and Mary based upon this speculation and Levin's origins as follows:
Father - George Lanequake, bricklayer, b. Abt 1700, Somerset,Maryland; son of Francis Lanequake/Lanke, bricklayer (b. Abt 1675, Somerset, Maryland) and Judith Cannon (b. 16 Feb 1679, Somerset, Maryland).
Mother - Mare (Mary) Mitchell, b. Abt 1708, Somerset, Maryland; dtr of Thomas Mitchell (b. 18 Aug 1675, Morumsco Branch, Somerset, Maryland) and Anne Coulbourne (b. 9 Apr 1679, Animessex, Somerset, Maryland).
Children -
Francis Lanequake, b. Abt 1725 in Maryland
Thomas Lanequake, b. Abt 1728 in Maryland
George Lank, b. 1731
Levin Lank, b. Abt 1735, Somerset,Maryland
Levin married Naomi Barr, daughter of James Barr and Ann Starr, in 1759. Naomi was born in 1741 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE, died on Nov 18, 1789 at age 48, and was buried in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2 M i. Mitchell Lank was born on Mar 15, 1760 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on Dec 12, 1819 at age 59.
+ 3 F ii. Ann Lank was born on Aug 2, 1761 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on an unknown date.
+ 4 M iii. John Lank was born on Sep 22, 1762 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE, died on Aug 6, 1798 in Sussex County, DE at age 35, and was buried in Lewes and Coolspring Presbyterian Church, Lewes, Sussex CO, DE.
+ 5 M iv. Thomas Barr Lank was born on Sep 5, 1764 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on Feb 7, 1838 at age 73.
+ 6 M v. James Lank was born on Mar 9, 1766 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on Jan 12, 1798 at age 31.
+ 7 M vi. Levin Lank Jr. was born on Sep 5, 1768 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on Oct 3, 1831 in DE at age 63.
+ 8 M vii. Nathaniel Lank was born on Apr 2, 1770 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE, died on Mar 11, 1795 in Sussex County, DE at age 24, and was buried in Lewes and Coolspring Presbyterian Church, Lewes, Sussex CO, DE.
+ 9 M viii. David Lank was born on Feb 3, 1772 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died in 1772.
+ 10 M ix. William Lank was born on Mar 8, 1774 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on an unknown date.
+ 11 M x. Cornelius Lank was born on Mar 26, 1776 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on an unknown date.
+ 12 F xi. Lydia B. Lank was born on Apr 8, 1779 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died in 1861 in Sussex County, DE at age 82.
+ 13 F xii. Mary Lank was born on Jul 8, 1780 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on an unknown date.
+ 14 M xiii. David Lank was born on Oct 5, 1781 in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE and died on an unknown date.
+ 15 F xiv. Polly Lank was born in 1783 in Lewes, Sussex, Delaware and died on an unknown date.
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